If you want someone to do something for you, you need to tell them what to do. You must list key information, goals, deadlines and expectations. A brief for you Web Designer is no different. A website brief must include key information about your business, what you want out of the website and information about your budget and timeline. This might seem like a bit of a hassle, but it is vital to ensure a quick, easy process and that your designer is able to give you the perfect website. There are 5 main points to cover when putting together your brief.
1. The Overview of your business
Your web designer is representing your brand. In order to do this properly, a designer needs to have a good overview of your business. You should answer the following questions in your overview:
- What does your business do?
– What are your products and services?
– How long you have been around?
– What is the size of your business? - What is your vision for the future
- How do you want to be perceived in the marketplace
- Who are your ideal customers?
- Who are your top 3 competitors?
2. The website
This section is where your web designer looks to see what you want.
- Why do you need a new website?
- What do you and don’t you like about your current website?
- Describe what your ideal website looks like
- What platform to use, eg: Do you want to build a WordPress website?
- How many sections will it have & what are they?
- What features and functions do you require? (examples below)
– Search box
– Sliders
– Social media
– Google maps
– Blog
– E commerce
– Gallery
– Forms
– Newsletters
– Membership
– Integrations to existing systems
– How will you measure the success of the website?
3. Your target market
Who is your website aimed at?
- The public, staff, training staff, kids, mothers
- Age group
- Male/Female
- Geographic location
- Language requirements
- What is person X using your website for?
– Research
– Buy product
– Download
– Information
4. Your design
You are going to have to try and describe what you want your website to look like. Try to be specific and succinct.
Some points to consider:
- Traditional or contemporary
- Professional or personal
- Serious or light-hearted
- Identify website which you like and what you like about them
- The colours, fonts, style and icons
- Any graphics you require
See: Custom Website Blog
5. Your budget and timeline
This is very important. You cannot have a Ferrari for the price of a rust bucket. Your needs, budget and timeframe help your web designer to show you what is achievable.
You should include:
- How much you have to spend on this?
- When you want to start?
- When you want it completed by?
As you can imagine, a good design brief is imperative to a successful website. You need to have all of the above components clarified and agreed upon before you start this task. Order your Woww website now.